Conditions Treated at Dr Big Brain
- Anxiety
- Autism/Spectrum disorders
- Chronic pain
- Dementia
- Depression
- Panic disorder
- Peak performance
- Substance abuse disorders
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Memory loss

A Clinically Proven, Natural Approach
Neurofeedback is a natural approach that is backed by more than 50 years of research and it addresses the underlying factors that contribute to ADHD.
What ADHD looks like in a person struggling with this disorder is the inability to focus or concentrate, becoming easily distracted, overwhelmed or frustrated. ADHD can cause anger outbursts, difficulty completing tasks, restlessness, and the inability to socially engage or connect.
The goal of all Neurofeedback is to transform an unhealthy, abnormal brainwave pattern into a normal, healthy, organized pattern. By doing this, the brain becomes more stable and is able to operate optimally and efficiently.
There are answers, natural corrective solutions exist. Neurofeedback therapy specialists are able to map your brain, see exactly where the imbalance is and to what extent.
There Is Another Option
Neurofeedback is a solution that is able to monitor your brain function and know if you need more or less key neurotransmitters.
Due to our environment and the ongoing stressors impacting the body every second of everyday, the body can become overloaded and our brainwaves can become abnormal. This most commonly occurs as a result of overstimulation. This irregularity, often found in people suffering from anxiety can create abnormal responses to incoming stimuli. Neurofeedback is shown to normalize brainwaves.
Neurofeedback is a guided exercise for the brain that is shown to help normalize brainwaves. Neurofeedback is actually a learning modality designed to retrain abnormal brainwave patterns.
A Natural Approach
The symptoms of ASD (autism spectrum disorder) usually begin to emerge by age 2 or 3. This may include the inability to perceive sights and sounds adequately, resistance to change in daily routines, poor motor skills, repetitive behaviors or movements, hyper-focus on one thing, and loud outbursts.
Studies indicate that individuals with ASD have excessive connectivity in some areas of the brain and deficient connectivity in others.
It develops as a result of a complex combination of factors and research is inconclusive of one main source. Studies show an accelerated increase of stress to the developing toddlers system as a result of toxic burden to the body and various other factors. The increased burden can begin in utero and beyond including exposure to vaccines, environment, diet, lifestyle, inflammation, and genetics. These all can add to the development of ASD.
Neurofeedback uses biofeedback technology to establish healthier brainwave patterns. With ASD, a common finding is abnormal brainwaves. Studies show that Neurofeedback helps to stabilize and improve brainwave function. By facilitating improvement in areas of abnormal connectivity and improving brainwave function, outcomes are optimized.
Improvements from neurofeedback that have been clinically observed include: initiation of touch and contact, reduced emotional outbursts, clear speech patterns, better responses to parental and teacher instructions, increased imaginative thought, decreased hyperactivity, and improvement of social skills.
An estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed on the spectrum in the United States each year. Neurofeedback therapy has the ability to naturally improve brain functionality for people with autism.
Break Free From Depression and Get Your Life Back
If you have been struggling with depression, you’re not alone. More than 19 million adults suffer from depression. If you are feeling overwhelmed, worn down, fatigued, sad, isolated, foggy-brained, or disconnected, these are classic signs and symptoms that accompany depression. Research at Keck Imaging Labs at the University of Wisconsin shows that depressed people experience a reduction of activity in the left side of the brain. This is the side responsible for engaging in positive moods. When the brainwaves are abnormal, your mood can become abnormal.
This disorder is more than just the “blues,” or being “down in the dumps”. We all experience feelings of sadness from time to time, and this is normal and healthy. The problem arises when the sadness doesn’t stop, it doesn’t lift and it is not just temporary. This is when the problems can set in impacting every area of your life from eating and sleeping to your work, relationships, and your sense of self.
Depression can develop from a complex combination of factors. These include genetics, brain chemistry, lifestyle, environment, personality, and the role that stress plays in exacerbating these elements, impacting key areas of the brain. When the left, prefrontal cortex is impacted, which operates to get us engaging in positive moods and effective social interactions, your mood can change. When the left side of the brain wave activity slows down we naturally pull away from others and lose interest in things. We want to withdraw to our bed and just lay there. Our moods become very negative. Energy is low. We either can’t sleep at all or we sleep too much. It is the way our biology protects itself when the stress and strain of life become overwhelming. A short mild depression is not necessarily a bad thing or abnormal for most people. But when it goes on for more than two weeks and begins to undermine our daily living, then it is a serious problem.
Neurofeedback is a drug-free, non-invasive natural approach to depression. In dealing with depression many Neurofeedback therapists place an electrode on the scalp over each side of the brain and train the individual to increase alpha brain waves on the right side while reducing them on the left. As the left side of the brain becomes more active, individuals begin to feel more positive in their moods. The abnormal brainwave activity diminishes over a period of training sessions improving brainwave patterns. When function is improved, mood is improved and outcomes are optimized.
Insomnia & Sleeplessness
Sleep Difficulties Have a Variety of Contributors
Many complex factors contribute to sleeplessness and insomnia including stress, anxiety, trauma, and habitual over-thinking resulting in abnormal brain wave function.
Insomnia can disrupt daily life by causing irritability, exhaustion, tiredness, and difficulty staying focused. If being tired all of the time isn’t bad enough, this affliction is also believed to be a risk factor for other diseases, including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Chronic, or recurrent, insomnia is a widespread condition affecting nearly 10-15% of the global population. The longer you struggle with this, the harder it becomes to treat. That’s why it’s important to learn how to deal with insomnia as soon as symptoms present themselves and to seek medical attention for evaluation and diagnosis as early as possible.
Until recently, insomnia was studied from a behavioral perspective, but as this problem grows, new research and insights have been discovered. Recent studies suggest that in cases of insomnia, the brain is unable to process information properly due to cortical hyperarousal. This creates abnormal brainwave function.
Neurofeedback therapy can make a powerful, positive impact on your ability to get a good night’s sleep. This technology helps to identify the brainwave imbalance that may be contributing to your inability to sleep. By retraining the brain and improving brainwave function in those key areas affected by insomnia, the brain is rewarded through Neurofeedback for creating healthier patterns. As the brain learns new responses, new patterns and pathways develop improving brainwave function as you begin to sleep better, longer.
Clinical studies have shown Neurofeedback to be an effective, drugless, natural approach to insomnia, especially for people who have struggled for years. If you are ready to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep, for improved energy, health, and wellbeing, then it’s time to relax and reward your brain for improved function with Neurofeedback.
Improve Your Memory & Decrease Your Risk of Dementia
If you are beginning to notice the signs of brain fog, forgetfulness, declining cognitive function, mixing up your words, asking the same questions repeatedly or taking longer to perform normal tasks, these are all signs and symptoms of memory loss. These are early warning signs of abnormal brainwave function that are often associated with the inability to process information optimally. If left untreated, this can lead to dementia.
Many complex factors contribute to declining memory, including brainwave imbalance. Neurofeedback can help to restore brainwave balance.
When your memory begins to decline it is important to help the brain. One of the most immediate and effective ways to clinically improve brain function is with the use of Neurofeedback.
Your brain function is regulated by brainwaves that interact and communicate with your neurotransmitters over 100 trillion neurons. Brain function may decrease if there is an imbalance in your brainwaves, leading to an acceleration of the symptoms associated with memory loss.
Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to create new neural pathways. This puts you in the driver’s seat of reclaiming and optimizing your health. Your brain is not hard-wired, it is not limited or fixed in its abilities to heal. When the imbalance is removed and brainwaves are regulated, cognitive function improves. The result is an improved ability to remember.
Stop Suffering From Migraines Naturally With Neurofeedback
Clinical research has shown Neurofeedback to be one of the most effective solutions for the symptoms of migraines. Restore balance and function naturally.
Migraines can be triggered due to many factors; ranging from hormonal imbalance, light sensitivity, allergies, and dehydration to neuro-metabolic issues. This leaves your brain in a high state of stress and imbalance. The results are a variety of symptoms that take their toll on your life including the inability to focus, mood swings, and throbbing pain.
Migraines create a high-stress state in your brain, which causes an increase in sympathetic response and a decrease in parasympathetic response. Simply stated, this means brainwave imbalance which can negatively impact normal brainwave function. If the stressful trigger of the migraine continues, the response becomes chronic. Once ongoing, it is harder and harder for your brain to re-regulate or normalize function.
Neurofeedback is a scientifically proven system that retrains the brain to create new patterns and responses to incoming triggers and stressors. This new response improves brainwave activity and function. The result is a calmer, happier, healthier brain that has fewer symptoms and flare-ups. Studies have shown more than a 54% rate of total cessation of pain and symptoms, and 99% of patients reported a decrease in pain and symptoms. When balance and function are restored, your outcomes are optimized and your health improved.
Peak Performance
Working Towards Peak Performance
You work your body — what about your mind?
Whether you are a professional athlete, a top executive, a weekend warrior, a student-athlete, a professional, or a performer, you know that peak performance is essential to your success. But how do you achieve peak performance? The more that is at stake, the greater the need for not only physical training but also brain training.
Neurofeedback provides high performers with the tools to stimulate the brain’s neurology in the same way that exercise builds muscles.
Let’s face it, performing at your peak comes with high demands. These physical, mental, and emotional impacts often trigger the fight or flight response within your body, which will steal your ability to succeed. When you are in a prolonged state of stress due to the high demands of performing at optimal states, your brain function is impacted. The longer the impact, the greater the imbalance, which leads to decreased function and performance.
Your brain is not hardwired. In fact, it has the ability to create new neural pathways, yes your brain can learn, grow and improve all through life as a result of neuroplasticity. When it comes to improving performance, Neurofeedback is a scientifically proven system that trains the brain and allows it to create new pathways and connections. When this occurs, brainwaves are optimized which improves communication and function throughout the brain and body.
A fit body needs a fit brain — Neurofeedback can help you train your brain as well as your body, achieving total fitness.
- Depth and quality of sleep for greater physical and mental stamina
- Mental focus and clarity
- Concentration
- Adaptability and mental cognition
- Rate of mental processing
- Memory
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Trauma
Neurofeedback Designed to Treat Trauma And PTSD
Trauma affects the body and brain in ways that change the underlying biology. Those who suffer from PTSD or trauma often wonder why it’s so difficult to move on from the past. Neurofeedback is a therapy that can help you address the underlying results of trauma or PTSD.
Trauma activates the amygdala; a part of the limbic system responsible for memory and emotions. It will remove a human’s sense of safety and security at the root level. The memory is stored with feelings (and even physical sensations).
Neurofeedback is designed to help people move from a hyper-aroused state to a state of calm. The goal is to give a feeling of safety and security when interacting with everyday scenarios. Many studies have shown Neurofeedback can help with trauma and symptoms of PTSD.
Substance Abuse Disorders
Breaking the Cycle of Addiction with Neurofeedback
Substance abuse disorders arise from addiction in the brain. Drugs cause structural changes in the brain that cause an affected person to keep abusing substances. This leads to a cycle of addiction, outside of the control of the user. Neurofeedback can help treat the underlying addiction.
Neurofeedback specialists can create a brain map to locate areas of the brain where electrical activity is irregular. A targeted training program is developed to address the inactivity, over-activity, or under-activity of the brain. When the specialist sees improvement in the brain, symptoms of addiction should be reduced as well.
One study to reference is a study done at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). This study found Neurofeedback can improve the rate of abstinence. It revealed that Neurofeedback treatment plus participation in a 12-Step addiction program could help recovering people accept the changes. This study was branded as “BrainPaint” and a summary is available here.